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Try a different Pomodoro approach

The Pomodoro 🍅 Technique with a Twist: 1. Set a Timer for 25 Minutes: Work on a single task for this duration. This focused time block is known as a 'Pomodoro'. 2. Take a 5-Minute Break: After the timer rings, take a short break. Stand up, stretch, or grab a quick drink. 3. The Twist - Reflect and Review: After every four Pomodoros, take a longer break (15-30 minutes). During this break, spend the first 5 minutes reflecting on what you've accomplished and what could be improved in your workflow. Reflect: Ask yourself what went well, what didn't, and if...

Get a good start to your day

Instead of checking social media first thing in the morning, consider engaging in activities that can set a positive tone for your day.  Couple of ideas for stimulating and getting the cogs turning: • Exercise - go for a brisk walk (in nature if possible) • Reading - dive into a book • Breakfast - eat a healthy meal • Plan - write out tasks you want to do for the day • Creative - draw, write or craft • Learn - music, facts, new language Tools that might help: • 📆 Today is the Day Planner • 🟢 Wordle...

Save time publishing to Twitter

I recommend (and use) Typefully to tweet without distractions, write threads, and grow on X. They also have great analytics. • Typefully lets you write, schedule, and publish amazing tweets and threads on Twitter. • It gives you detailed analytics and insights to find out what content works and brings you the most followers. • With Typefully you can create a content schedule to publish consistently, and engage your followers. • Typefully is a must-have for Twitter creators who are serious about crafting quality content and engaging their audiences meaningfully. • Typefully provides advanced tools aimed at growing faster on...

Focus on single-tasking

In a world that often praises multitasking, concentrating on one task at a time can significantly boost efficiency and reduce mental clutter.  • Set Clear Intentions: At the start of your day or work session, decide on one main task you want to accomplish. This could be writing a report, completing a workout, or designing a presentation. • Eliminate Distractions: Create an environment that supports focus. This might mean turning off notifications, clearing your workspace, or using noise-canceling headphones. • Use Timed Sessions: Employ techniques like the 🍅 Pomodoro Technique (we have one of those), where you work for 25 minutes...

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